Castle Pernot

Castle B3
2. Castle B2
Level Range:
Dark Bee 81-85
Greedy Goblin 81-85
Underground Mimic 81-85
Drops: Pet Nutrient, Divine Herb, Novium Ore, Electric Eel, Rose Fruit, Obsidian Ore

Castle B2
Castle B2
1. Castle B3
2. Castle B1
Level Range:
Earth Goblin - 86 - 90
Flash Floating Sword - 86 - 90
Puzzle Mimic - 86 - 90
Drops: Pet Nutrient, Evil gem, Coffee Bean, Salome Ore, Aurora Yew, Rosemary, Swellfish, Attribute Tuner

Castle B1
Castle B1
1. Castle B2
2. Castle Pernot
Level Range:
Shy Goblin - 91 - 95
Golden Mimic - 91 - 95
Devil Floating Sword - 91 - 95
Drops: Tea, Lobster, Phantom Yew, Cameron Ore, Pipa Leaf

Castle Pernot
Castle Pernot
1. Castle B1
3. Prince Proctor
4. Cogsworth
5. Mrs Potz and Fifi
6. Roos Mia
Level Range:
Holy Mimic 96-100
Rambo Goblin 96-100
Drops: Pet Nutrient, Tuna, Gaia Ore, Verbena, Soul Gem Ore
Note: To gain access to and from Forgotten Forest you must complete The Prince's Wish
Updates by: ICatchPets, Laun, Aliciayeng