Lurka: 92:651
Akrul: 96:643
Zeda: 50:616
Rice Bunny: 55:617
Aire: 55:632
Fred: 90:593
Andy: 102:570
Title Manager: 103:552
Actvity Orginizer: 98:558
Reuter: 94:570
Strange Tortoise: 78:571
Sondia: 59:538
Ross: 43:469
Association Executive: 39:392
Marten: 49:393
Yoo: 44:328
Clan Manager: 41:276
Jeanine: 65:297
Gate Guard: 39:138
Andrews: 61:166
Elaise 82:647
Cox: 102:195
Luya: 108:138
Fray: 128:173
Pecy: 154:147
Nado: 98:508
Natan: 102:508
Sash: 100:428
Astro: 102:405
Ernst: 99:405
Ziskazan: 92:377
Metz: 98:359
Sook: 99:359
Chizuya: 108:376
Iss: 113:454
Cheer: 114:450
Clan Manager 107:373
Construction Officer Baba: 104:416
Construction Officer Mithra: 96:416
Bluebird Homes and Shops
Bluebird Healer: 111:580
+ Jogi
+ Mirajo
+ Audrey
+ Argent
Bluebird Bank: 85:554
+ Innock
+ Sonya
+ Lottery Guy
Timmy: 43:565
+ Timmy
Bluebird Tavern: 39:511
+ Leslie
+ Onyx
Bluebird Repair Shop: 39:450
+ Pev
+ Yarino
+ Shinance
+ Bedo
+ Futz
+ Xipo
Unnamed Portal: 41:389
+ Association Staff x3
Bluebird Market: 58:381
+ Display Stand Merchant
Mignon's House: 39:343
+ Migli
Modrey's House: 57:312
+ Modrey
Bluebird Butcher: 40:237
+ Antola
+ Zis
Michelle's House: 39:139
- need quest to access
+ Keynes
+ Michelle
Bluebird Armorer: 77:142
+ Archibald
Diviner Guild: 107:137
+ Klaya
Bluebird Carpenter: 121:154
+ Dexley
+ Sint
+ Jesro
+ Wuz
+ Cito
Bluebird Tailor: 145:140
Jiffy *
+ Samantha
+ Limes
Unmarked Home: 161:141
+ Mofka
Bluebird Deli: 144:295
+ Jomila
+ Sal
Giza's House: 163:298
+ Giza
+ Kidy
Goldburg Blacksmith: 155:359
+ Rena
+ Weter
+ Rimp
+ Elena
+ Buby
+ Smiley
Kauf's House: 162:414
+ Kauf
Bluebird Fish Market: 146:452
+ Joseph
Bluebird Store: 152:521
+ Porphice
+ Tool Tinker
Carl's House: 162:539
+ Carl
Bluebird Pet Shop: 135:570
+ Reby
+ Morvy
+ Rakai
+ Miuya
Bluebird Warehouse 1: 57:150
+ Procurment Elf Alice
+ Procurment Elf Zidin
+ Procurment Elf Hudelan
+ Procurment Elf Chuji
Bluebird Warehouse 2: 63:540
+ Procurment Elf Lily
+ Procurment Elf Carnation
+ Procurment Elf Caspia
+ Procurment Elf Sunflower
Bluebird Warehouse 3: 71:575
+ Procurment Elf Gaderlan
+ Procurment Elf Hunaglan
+ Procurment Elf Haiyu
+ Procurment Elf Margaret
Bluebird City Suburbia
Franks: 99:764
Unmarked House: 8:22
+ Angie
Unmakred House 2: 184:629
+ Willis
Unmarked House 3: 138:700
+ Gren
Back To Top |
Tim: 91:203
Migon: 76:200
Derrick: 67:181
Thoma: 62:168
Puppy: 65:165 *
Loo: 66:162
May: 50:149
Red Ridinghood Mille: 43:135
Kelly: 35:166
Salon's Pet: 45:177
Salon: 46:175
Roy: 48:184
Junk Peddler: 44:195
Shelly: 46:212 *
Alvin: 56:202
Blind Old Man: 62:189
Tony: 69:230
Ted: 54:244
Troy: 43:250
Wilbur: 49:277
Cow: 11:220 *
Chicken 1 : 14:235 *
Cow 2: 11:241 *
Sheep: 9:230 *
Lamb: 7:230 *
Chicken 2: 7:233 *
Farmer Richard: 9:154
Greenville Homes and Shops
Reggie's House: 19:212
+ Jenfreya
Greenville Armorer: 24:228
+ Jeremy
Greenville Blacksmith: 46:273
+ Doug
+ Darrel
+ Madam Butterfly
Greenville Store: 55:247
+ Fibi
+ Store Owner Jason
Jason's Home: 60:255
+ Norma
Greenville Fish Market: 70:232
+ Fish Hawker Dex
Betty's House: 65:226
+ Betty
Greenville Tailor: 77:205
+ Tailor Martina
+ Boksi
+ Natalie
Greenville Tavern: 89:205
+ Barkeeper Jelly
+ Edda
Greenville Butcher: 67:186
+ Butcher Jed
Greenville Town Center: 65:165
+ Pra
+ Arsen
+ Base activity host
+ Town center receptionist
+ Modi
+ Landi
+ Elven Guard Jay
+ Deely
Greenville Deli: 48:146
+ Baker Yupo
+ Fendy
+ Mr. Dumpling
Greenville Carpenter: 37:168
+ Kanado
+ Ardin
Greenville Healer: 27:189
+ Nurse Evy
+ Nurse Nora
+ Healer Ricky
Kelly's House: 32:158
Outside Greenville
Billy: 20:120
Fantasy Fairy: 25:120
Thristy Vulture: 70:62
Fleur: 72:254
Unmarked House: 72:323
+ Maid Sasa
+ Lans
Granny's House: 31:356
+ Mille's Grannie/ Big Bad wolf
Back To Top |
Patricia: 27:220
Karla: 25:220
Gyin: 18:182
Orley: 26:178
Bob: 35:186
Martel: 43:151
Tina: 22:118
Bill: 39:97
Yvonne: 16:86
Elizabeth: 27:57
Kafka: 13:34
Toby: 26:156
Redhood Village Shops and Homes
Redhood Deli: 34:65
+ Meilin
+ Cake Seller
Potter's House: 22:84
+ Potter
Redhood Fish Market: 15:87
+ Nixon
Hilda's House: 16:152
+ Hilda
Toby's House: 24:153
Redhood Store: 23:179
+ Melissa
Huck's House: 15:203
+ Huck
Redhood Carpenter: 20:210
+ Mitchell
Back To Top |
Monkey Bozo: 91:154
Warewolf Bao: 90:149
Warewolf Bee: 90:155
Gretel: 84:63
Vincent: 75:303
Goldie: 65:359
Dessa: 53:98
Luki: 51:202
The House of the Three Hermits: 31:39
+ Ryan
+ Will
Georgina: 33:185
Wood Temple: 36:176
+ Cleric Becky
+ Wilf
+ Wood Sage
+ Furvy
Tracy: 30:338
Poor Man: 16:344
Big Nosed Guy: 23:290
Cold little girl: 12:295
Barefooted old man: 6:263
Halley: 16:253
The Woodcutter's House: 22:246
+ Zack
The Hunter's Cabin: 10:121
+ Gins
Back To Top |
Lake Deity: 24:134
Earth Burrower Shalu: 8:125
Duncan: 13:106
Nichole: 20:59
Connor: 21:59
Rand: 32:75
Duncan's House: 65:110
+ Martha
Fordo: 58:109
Wurkley: 49:126
Smart Gentleman: 45:102
Edmond: 65:56
Irene: 44:59
Edmond's House: 13:45
+ Miranda
Tony: 48:42
Wilbur's Resort: 47:42
+ Wilbur
Back To Top
Labondal: 22:331
Lopez: 35:147
Mother Sheep: 37:199
Back To Top |
Whitch's House: 24:48
+ Witch Perlin
Pefanny: 30:35
The drawf: 63:259
The drawf 2: 73:246
The dwarves' house: 74:241
+ The drawf 3
The dwavres' House 2:
+ The drawf 4
+ The drawf 5
+ Snow White
The Dwarf 6: 88:262
The Drawf 7: 83:111
Back To Top |
Edlyn: 7:58
Doyale: 5:60 *
Mage Turtle: 8:26
Yaki: 37:124 *
Robin: 68:118 *
Laviz: 80:146 *
The Ugly Duckling : 68:153
Back To Top |
A House: 33:256
Witch Kailin: 60:261
A House 2: 63:270
A House 3: 65:97
Mage Rose: 68:20
Water Temple: 62:59
+ Vonna
+ Weia
+ Water Sage
+ Arvy
Mad Old Man: 44:74
A House 4: 11:51
Back To Top |
Sirth: 260:635
Lima: 223:716
Actvity Organizer: 218:690
Activity manager: 215:711
Gamekeeper: 319:503
Nana: 182:277
Statue of a Happy Prince: 181:289
Piper: 174:298
Kurtz: 92:547 *
Erk: 136:647
Rumfetz: 195:766
Petty: 184:695
Ers:129:563 *
Hatto: 93:502 *
Chuck: 94:467
Madame Maria: 113:487
Liv: 121:440 *
Clan Manager: 163:358
Yellow Dog: 170:358
Rolton: 192:260 *
Marlene: 219:337 *
Sandra: 188:362
Betty: 179:390
Tyler: 139:389 *
Leela: 138:526
Haron: 159:589 *
Lansley: 162:564 *
Yani: 258:381
Leech: 235:438
Jessica: 221:408 *
Loo: 218:596 *
Christine: 236:562
Fairia: 267:544
Loriel: 246:536
Enya: 264:570 *
Barge: 252:607 *
Association Executive: 233:633 *
Sidney: 200:685
Berna: 268:634
The Match-selling girl: 263:621
Blue Kitten: 237:572 *
Guard Haj: 225:545
Guard Tok: 221:553
Guard Captain: 205:514
Guard Gend: 202:501
Guard Pollack: 199:506
Construction Officer Skye: 206:494
Construction Officer Bath: 208:498
Renaldo: 286:535 *
Kaiser: 191:343 *
Nikita: 273:381 *
Britney: 206:304 *
Soldiers: 195:266
Rainbow City Homes and Shops
The Arena: 195:266
First Floor
+ Scott
+ Tom
+ Security Chief
+ Guard
+ Rokiya
+ Blight
+ Miya
+ Mise
+ Wonwon
+ Britney
+ Janice
+ Chichib
+ Wesley
+ Joe
+ Darco
Second Floor ( server 4 access only)
+ Little Mimi
+ Little Candy
+ Little Lana
Sandy's House: 306:486
+ Sandy
Pio's House: 292:469
Bert's House: 272:405
Julie's House: 279:412
+ Julie
Unmarked Red House: 237:357
Rainbow City Armorer: 192:344
+ Camille
Rainbow City Bank: 242:445
+ Mckeef
+ Lottery Guy
Unmarked Yellow House: 249:457
Robert's House: 262:482
Washington's House: 268:625
Ana's House: 260:610
Rainbow City Tailor: 249:588
+ Ankaya
+ Royal Tailor
Journeyman Guild : 242:573
+ Trader Bors
+ Noravia
+ Piero
+ Yarex
+ Buliloya
Oscar's House: 234:693
Little Katz's House: 133:564
Rainbow City Blacksmith: 93:560
+ Marly
+ Liam
+ Rakel
+ Domo
Klara's House: 122:618
Rumfetz's House
+ Hooligan
Rainbow City Store: 291:516
+ Krik
+ Tool Tinker
Rainbow City Repair Shop: 264:568
+ Demi
+ Noralia
+ Maya
+ Haydn
+ Sidi
+ Percy
Rainbow City Market: 242:611
+ Display Stand Merchant
Unmarked Entryway: 230:630
+ Association Staff x 3
Rainbow City Deli: 224:648
+ Cor
+ Bell
+ Netan
+ Anna
Rainbow City Healer: 207:685
+ Edalier
+ Refa
Rainbow City Butcher: 165:695
+ Brian
Kay's House: 262:365
Rainbow City Fish Market: 254:380
+ Stolo
+ Gordon
Sterli's House: 185:367
Rainbow City Farmhouse: 175:387
+ Amm
+ Lafell
+ Frediya
+ Bertha
Corina's House: 165:407
+ Corea
Rainbow City Timber Shop: 141:477
+ Rupov
Sharpe's House: 124:509
+ Sharpe
Molly's House: 80:522
+ Molly
Calira's House: 87:508
+ Joeli
Rainbow City Pet Shop: 101:481
+ Peisan
+ Pater
+ Bobby
Royton's House: 126:480
+ Royton
Perrth's House: 154:377
+ Perth
Rainbow City Tavern: 171:344
+ Wevan
+ Wett
+ Greson
Rainbow City Warehouse 1: 144:583
+ Procurment Officer Euro
+ Procurment Officer Newt
+ Procurment Officer Franc
+ Procurment Officer Ruble
Rainbow City Warehouse 2: 173:676
+ Procurment Officer Yen
+ Procurment Officer Mark
+ Procurment Officer Pound
+ Procurment Officer Dola
+ Rainbow City Warehouse 3: 284:604
+ Procurment Officer Thai
+ Procurment Officer Peso
+ Procurment Officer Shilling
+ Procurment Officer Leck
Rainbow City Suburbia
Mel: 86:344
Houses - work skills
Back To Top |
Chicken: 27:103 *
Bull: 28:95 *
Chicken 2: 32:83 *
Cow: 22:92 *
Lamb 1 : 22:96 *
Lamb 2: 23:103 *
Ken: 32:103
Linda: 42:103
Rex: 44:114 *
Amy: 52:108
Bernard: 40:137
Goldie: 52:165
Mark: 46:167
Stein: 35:198
Bracks: 39:194
Ali: 41:194
Storyteller: 44:182
Al: 48:187
Fanny: 56:186
Claire: 65:195
Katz: 67:190
Fro: 48:213
Bern: 49:215
Bobo: 74:227
Beibei: 40:218
Beibei's Pet: 39:220
Mocha: 41:230
Seth: 62:241
Melanie: 69:257
Sepp: 30:259
Strange old man: 29:279
Angie: 48:275
Silver Granny: 60:277
Black Kitten: 62:279
Anges: 69:283
Gion Town Homes and Shops
Gion Blacksmith: 40:270
+ Blacksmith
+ Arcoda
+ Nordel
Gion Armorer: 34:256
+ Wilhelm
Gion Carpenter: 32:238
+ Carpenter
Gion Store: 24:194
+ Store Owner
+ Old guy
Gion Town Center: 37:196
+ Eric
+ Willy
+ Village Head Jeff
+ Receptionist Voli
+ Base activity Host
+ Garbon
+ Guard
+ Naco
Gion Deli: 63:194
+ Employee
+ Old woman
+ Mr. Dumpling
Gion Healer: 70: 194
+ Sami
+ Nurse Cori
+ Nurse Mimi
+ Nurse Korn
Ravel's House: 77:194
+ Ravel
Turkey's House: 74:230
Seth's House: 57:238
Gion Fish Market: 71:264
+ Fish Lady
+ Fish Hawker
Gion Tavern: 43:141
+ Barmaid Meili
+ Waiter Baal
+ Gerald
+ Arcan the Barkeeper
+ Deeca
Kemmy's House: 37:137
Cloudie's House: 43:107
+ Cloudie
Gion Butcher: 55:102
+ Butcher
Gion Farmhouse: 61:114
+ Anon
+ Old lady
Gion Tailor: 67:126
+ Old Tailor
+ Kuan
+ Yalina
Cukarro's House: 72:136
Ahmi's House: 33:98
+ Ahmi
Outside Gion
Moore: 18:48
Fantasy Fairy: 14:49
Lars: 18:27
Rob: 49:53
Strange Old woman: 84:47
Guard of Gion: 94:372
Ambassador Pebbles: 87:18
Sam: 52:327
Kirk: 35:375 |
Kahn: 22:211
Mord: 7:215
Modred: 40:196
Opler: 52:202
Rohr: 43:179
Argen The Strong: 35:148
Afu the Good Barbarian: 16:158
Derel: 11:161 *
Loch: 47:114
Chicken: 48:115
Mick: 34:120
Eugene: 33:118
Archy: 33:121
Zerd: 12:99
Silly old Man: 25:102
Hans: 54:103
Traveling Trader: 35:98
Gretchen: 25:79
Hans Mother: 20:43
Veggie Village Shops and Homes
Croix's House: 34:34
+ Croix
+ Croix's Wife
The Professor's House: 23:36
Professor of Veggie
A House: 11:40
Veggie Fish Market: 14:81
+ Ayu
Veggie Deli: 29:87
+ Ler
Veggie Store: 39:103
+ Store Owner Api
A House: 18:158
+ Carnes
+ A dead body
Thach's House: 14:162
+ Thach
The Village Head's House: 21:214
+ Village Head of Veggie
Back To Top |
Ambaddador Gion: 8:187
Old Man Mo: 16:196
Peyares: 13:163 *
Monica: 18:95
Benner: 40:120
Ruby: 33:224
Kaj: 52:195
White Doggie: 71:150 *
Kappo: 44:146
Beruce: 26:180
Eric: 24:286
Old Skipper: 32:297
Amitan: 44:285
Terry: 63:241
Gus: 67:244
Skywalker: 77:220
Pitt: 91:191
Yanger- Port Pebbles 45:237
Captain Larry- Port Pebbles 14:280
Port Pebbles Shops and Homes
Pebbles Warehouse 2: 14:261
Pebbles Ice House: 30:226
+ Bemee
Marston's House: 21:214
+ Marston
Amitan's House: 11:172
Sinclair's House: 15:158
+ Sinclair
Jonah's House: 35:118
+ Jonah
Pebbles Bank: 46:148
+ Banker
Freeman's House: 54:164
+ Freeman
Terry's House: 65:150
Connor's House: 84:187
+ Cannary
Pebbles Warehouse 1: 55:235
Deack's House: 27:269
+ Deack
Clair's House: 42:203
+ Clair Denz
Pebbles Tavern: 25:178
+ Lukas
+ Derry
+ Walters
Back To Top |
Secret Underground Cave: 7:92
+ Merfolk King
+ Merfold Queen
Secret Base: 7:259
+ Little Mermaid
Seawitch's House: 93:370
+ Witch
Back To Top |
Jeffrey: 13:144
Longhair: 12:138
Surfer -
Back To Top |
Wondering Warrior Ander: 36:268
Nini: 86:252
Hillary: 65:77
Zaro's House: 86:60
+ Zaro
Fire Temple: 63:69
+ Hoya
+ Fire Sage
+ Milaf
+ Fulami
Amu's House:16:69
+ Amu
Back To Top |
Disco: 11:84
Back To Top |
Thomas: 30:46 *
Maze Coconut: 10:151
Worn Out house: 17:40
Back To Top
+ Sleeping Sohpia
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Evil Shepherd Dog: 17:367
Agatha: 9:342
Darami: 57:321
Molin: 34:239
Cleric Ryan: 6:106
Light Temple: 9:96
+ Cleric Nancy
+ Marlowe
+ Light Sage
+ Loma
Kawana: 12:17
Keef: 45:35
Ronnie: 88:24
Milka: 72:18
Back To Top |
Pineapple: 10:337
Red Pineapple: 11:333
Sanfer: 28:248 Master of the obvious.
Telbert: 20:217
Skell: 10:59
Back To Top |
Snowy: 13:24
Kobei: 42:92
Dora's House: 97:100
+ Dora
Cave Guard: 119:220
Puzla's House: 107:37
+ Puzla
Fido's House: 102:104
+ Fido
Back To Top |
A House: 14:171
Steel Helm Warrior: 26:158
Traveling trader Stanley: 88:165
Dancing girl: 85:111*
Cleric Nicky: 30:115
Earth Temple: 26:116
+ Rica
+ Cleric Keith
+ Angelica
+ Earth Sage
Warewolf: 12:74
Vins' House: 55:41
+ Vins
Roos: 88:23
Back To Top |
Basement 1:
Grunt of the Golden God: 41:142
Basement 2:
Basment 3:
Kinesso: 40:109
Back To Top |
Puzka's House: 15:255
+ Puzka
Mika: 31:52
Mage Hachoo: 47:46
A House: 60:165
Mira: 62:148
A House 2: 67:147
A House 3: 72:168
A House 4: 88:78
Mysterious House: 36:54
+ Entrance to Tanrana's Maze
Back To Top |
+ Tanrana (top left of maze)
Back To Top |
Dogby: 75:88
Picardo: 79:88
Norma: 76:152
Bud: 77:180
Hero's War Score Query: 74:209
Activity Orginizer: 76:207
Owen: 80:255 *
Themistocles: 76:335
Edwin (Goldburg Guard Captain): 79:335
Mulan: 89:296
Beetle sound FX: 88:292
Peiro: 107:219
Herbert: 115:219
Nigel: 102:140 *
Hank: 119:196
Claudia: 117:297
Berlinda: 54:297
Mort: 34:291
Association Execuitive: 31:177
Niles: 35: 123
Terrence: 44: 138
Patricia: 56:166
Norman: 46:261
Geraldo: 56:239
Gotham: 56:365
Clan Manager: 42:387
Bruce: 29: 418
Pamela: 64: 517
Brandon: 73: 488
Cecilia: 74:402
Construction Officer Nickolai: 77:326
Construction Officer Gore: 81:337
Goldburg Homes and Shops
Goldburg bank: 36:121
+ Justin
+ Lottery Guy
+ Eva
Goldburg market: 50:120
+ Display Stand Merchant
Baron Rufus' Mansion: 66:88
+ Baron Rufus
+ Tarson
A House: 86:96
+ Alise
A House: 102:128
+ Willis
+ Kacey
Goldburg Pet shop: 118:160
+ Rona
+ Vivian
+ Kiddi
+ Kenny
Goldburg fish market: 122:228
+ Boris
A House: 102: 188
+ Audrey
A House: 68:156
+ Polin
+ Rupert
Mort's House: 50:192
+ Mort
A Portal with No Name: 29:178
+ Association Staff x 3
Warrior Guild: 46:256
+ Lester
+ Timarcy
+ Antylok
+ Peggy*
+ Thomacus
+ Wurley
+ Cybalos
+ Tocklocy
Rosemary's House: 92:240
+ Pisa the matchmaker
Goldburg Store: 107:292
+ Oss
+ Tool Tinker
Goldburg Tavern: 58:291
+ Rosalind
+ Reiley
+ Will
+ Charles
Goldburg Armorer: 48:343
+ Elenor
+ Jerome
+ Ronald
Goldburg Jeweler: 68:383
+ Vic
+ Boll
+ Trence
+ Anby
+ Horsco
+ Certified Appra
+ Inlay Master Worker
Goldburg Tailor: 65:411
+ Stella
A House: 118:336
+ Jeffy
Goldburg Deli: 96:352
+ Zonia
+ Edith
A House: 114:452
+ Guise The Gambler
Goldburg BlackSmith: 98:420
+ Craig
+ Oswald
+ Nicholas
+ Shawnco
+ Kage
+ Chiyado
+ Siville
+ Deter
+ Drews
+ Divato
+ Lalabi
+ Alistair
+ Vrlian
+ Nathaniel
+ Christopher
A House: 88:452
+ Daphne
A House: 86: 504
+ Ronpike
Goldburg Repair Shop: 100:476
+ Kimi
+ Norley
+ Ellyno
+ Dorbef
+ Zafka
+ Arshmit
Goldburg Butcher: 110:500
+ Timothy
Goldburgh healer: 58:500
+ Arvi
+ Civelia
+ Dr. Don
+ Felicity
A House: 42:468
+ Jessica
+ Philia
A House: 42:420
+ Aida
Goldburg warehouse 1: 114:387
+ Dardeley
+ Buyer Taurus
+ Buyer Airex
+ Buyer Kancer
+ Buyer Gimini
Goldburg warehouse 2: 86:156
+ Joan
+ Buyer Leo
+ Buyer Scirpio
+ Buyer Virgo
+ Buyer Balanco
Goldburg warehouse 3: 62:240
+ Norma
+ Buyer Compecan
+ Buyer Santarosa
+ Buyer Aquarius
+ Buyer Pisces
Goldburg suburbia
Inner Circle:
Arcer: 13: 294
Ali: 13:306
Bali: 15:453
Paula: 24:549
Archy: 75:558
Mollis: 79:558
Sheep: 135:493
Joanna: 135:487
Richter: 137:306
Chad: 137:296
Chicken: 127:52
Grannie Evy: 126:51
Dessas: 79:45
Kainbo: 76:45
Jacquelin: 15:202
Outter Cirlce:
Gen: 8:539
Moo: 18:579
Niji: 19:578
Helen: 76:576
Nathan: 77:578
Guy: 144:579
Rebecca: 143:548
Jenny: 142:30
Angus: 75:22
Cat: 42:20 *
Moira: 38:25
Ben: 8:33
Calvin: 7:226
Freddy: 8:228
Back To Top |
Guard Kairade: 40:292
Xiaoco: 36:253
Winless: 35:192
Yarr: 40:183
Walker's Pet: 42:182
Walker: 43:184
Jeeb: 52:186
Kafanny: 42:141
Holiday: 23:103
Laudef: 66:142
Guard Dedera: 43:37
Milan The Peddler: 42:46
Ruca: 38:52
Fatty: 38:53
Matong: 27:68
Ellen: 33:69
Clement: 34:70
Sri: 34:74
Bendex: 33:73
Fantasy Fairy: 45:90
Fengshui: 41:99
Ilium Homes and Shops
Coya's House: 46:60
+ Coya
Ilium Deli: 54:75
+ Leer
Dumpling King
+ Loya
Peipei's House: 60:88
+ Peipei
Ilium Store: 57:135
+ Mickers
+ Tuckers
Ilium Butcher: 47:136
+ Marter
Ilium Armorer: 32:120
+ Kam
Becona's House: 24:104
+ Becona
Denni's House: 16:87
+ Coleman
+ Denni
Ilium Town Center: 36:184
+ Ian
+ Luke
+ Erwin
+ Village head Mulin
+ Base activity host
+ Muskus
+ Phili
+ Bier
Ilium Tailor: 28:200
+ Anta
Ilium Jeweler: 20:216
+ Lion
+ Neo
Ilium Healer: 27:252
+ Milo
+ Kaitra
+ Healer Nore
Unopened shop: 37:251
Ilium Tavern: 47:252
+ Randa
+ Beham
+ Morvin
Ilium Fish Market: 57:252
+ Morris
Hertz's House: 64:204
+ Greedy Hutch
Kendia's House: 58:192
+ Kendia
Ilium Blacksmith: 50:179
+ Smith
+ Nange
+ Cage
+ Becknerk
+ Dakar
+ Dishonest Trader
Outside Ilium
Radel: 42:16
Jefka: 25:25
Jonessy: 6:292
Rocco: 75:168
Raile: 74:162
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Gem crawler / Poison Skeleton side
Temporary Abode 1: 43:71
+ Kagi *
Temporary Abode 2: 26:30
+ Stroo
Snowmen/ Blackkong side
Temporary Abode 3: 21:63
+ Dakauf
Temporary Abode 4:10:33
+ Budami
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Pitz: 32:35
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Goldburg lake Jeweler: 24:64
+ Koco
Yiss: 34:111
Metal Temple : 54:110
+ Metal Sage
+ Metalli
+ Encron
+ Rocorn
Mage Guru: 72:204
Hamini the Wise: 71:169
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Miho the Peddler: 7:115
Reco: 19:224
Redhair: 18:226
Bandits House: 16:221
+ Yuri The Bandit
+ Nobody
+ Somebody
+ Vira
Robber Ruan: 44:195
Shadow: 64:192
Drunk Dragon: 74:220
Dark Temple : 66:199
+ Nightmare
+ Dark Sage
+ Carny
+ Tifan
Lira: 64:33
Capone: 32:30
Pom: 28:149
Giram: 28:153
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Cato: 15:139
Mage Hearsay: 6:113
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Zorro the Highwayman: 94:80
Halberg: 80:18
Toast the dog: 26:51
Willy the bull: 24:47
Flash the cock: 22:49
Blackie the Cat: 21:54
Gregson: 27:129
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Fife: 21:371
Abdula: 7:335
Skeleton: 8:334
Catol: 23:318
Babo: 20:269
Captain ron: 13:251
Bulow: 16:238
Johnny: 23:235
Deputy Joe: 24:248
Border Barracks: 11:256
+ Maur
Jazz Kid: 20:182
Robin the Thief: 11:138
Mysterious old man: 33:60
Sevo: 23:25
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Basement 1:
Grunt of the Silver Demon: 9:70
Lieutenant of the Silver Demon: 7:68
Basment 2:
Basement 3:
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Affleck: 93:114 *
Panpan: 41:128
Pania: 40:128
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Wilson: 26:61
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Poby: 77:198
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Lynn: 53:64
Scoby: 56:67 *
Patricia: 23:98
Earth Burrower Conna: 13:55
Pink Rabbit: 12:276
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Basement 1:
Tweedledum: 72:36
Tweedledee: 73:37
Basement 2:
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of the wood with No Name |
Duwah the Carvaner: 13:27
Blue Worm Kangkang: 10:347
Shimpmunk: 69:114
Red Crab: 63:103
Owl Nicole: 68:97
Rabbit Late: 53:292 (Appears random locations)
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of the wood with No Name |
Jarshee the Carvaner: 16:226
Mad Hatter: 50:92
March Hare: 52:91
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Murkah the Caravaner: 84:25
House of the White Rabbit: 28:38
+ Frog Valet
+ Frog Valet 2
+ The Duchess
Litan: 85:373 * (Teleporter to Northern Kitty Forest by passing
Garden of Live Flowers)
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Daisy Monster ( , ) - (Level 70 drops Daisy Emblem for use
at Litan in Rabbit Playground)
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Caravaner Garsam: 40:17
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Caravaner Parmah: 26:75
Becy: 70:125 *
Cat x 6 : 18:211 general area. (Chesire Cat Appears here for quest)
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Tracy: 66:221
Dick: 66:217
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Auck: 88:165
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Mellia: 17:176
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Two Of Dimonds: 32:168
Seven of Clubs: 29:168
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(Insert queens castle npc's) |
Famohr: 182:171
Rushpay: 147:135 (Venture to the Candy House quest starter)
Babeginny: 132:142
Rayfol: 116:177 (This NPC takes you to Grasha Village Outskirt, monsters lv 120+)
Fetmax: 132:281
Tyrmax: 126:313
Grasha Village Homes and Shops
Bluebird Bank, Grasha Branch: 161:209
+ Torgeir
+ Bank Clerk Banbick
The Clinic : 170:201 (Healer)
+ Dolly Nas
A house: 156:172
+ Kurt
A house: 149:179
+ Fanny(Music changes when talking with this npc, lyrics included in music)
+ Ivy
A house: 160:236
+ Carver
+ Jessica
Back To Top
(This was taken from Fairyland Central, and Provided to them
by goddess) I searched and searched and the forums only had bare
minimum so credit once again to whom it belongs I only search
and compile.
I've noticed there are some npc's missing as I find them I will
add them to the list.(MeFisher)
Thanks for missing NPC Swammy. |