NPC List

The names that are "+" over indicate the NPC is inside a building.
The names with a "*" next to them indicate the NPC moves around.
A "-" simply means the building was unoccupied.

To find a person, hit CTRL-F, then type in their name and Hit enter to find them. If the first name you come across is not correct, hit enter again. Sometimes there are more then one npc with the same name.

NPC MAP's for Goldburg, Rainbow City, Bluebird
Never Have a problem with the Village Head quests again.


Token NPC list

Bluebird City

Lurka: 92:651
Akrul: 96:643
Zeda: 50:616
Rice Bunny: 55:617
Aire: 55:632
Fred: 90:593
Andy: 102:570
Title Manager: 103:552
Actvity Orginizer: 98:558
Reuter: 94:570
Strange Tortoise: 78:571
Sondia: 59:538
Ross: 43:469
Association Executive: 39:392
Marten: 49:393
Yoo: 44:328
Clan Manager: 41:276
Jeanine: 65:297
Gate Guard: 39:138
Andrews: 61:166
Elaise 82:647
Cox: 102:195
Luya: 108:138
Fray: 128:173
Pecy: 154:147
Nado: 98:508
Natan: 102:508
Sash: 100:428
Astro: 102:405
Ernst: 99:405
Ziskazan: 92:377
Metz: 98:359
Sook: 99:359
Chizuya: 108:376
Iss: 113:454
Cheer: 114:450

Clan Manager 107:373

Construction Officer Baba: 104:416
Construction Officer Mithra: 96:416

Bluebird Homes and Shops

Bluebird Healer: 111:580
+ Jogi
+ Mirajo
+ Audrey
+ Argent
Bluebird Bank: 85:554
+ Innock
+ Sonya
+ Lottery Guy
Timmy: 43:565
+ Timmy
Bluebird Tavern: 39:511
+ Leslie
+ Onyx
Bluebird Repair Shop: 39:450
+ Pev
+ Yarino
+ Shinance
+ Bedo
+ Futz
+ Xipo
Unnamed Portal: 41:389
+ Association Staff x3
Bluebird Market: 58:381
+ Display Stand Merchant
Mignon's House: 39:343
+ Migli
Modrey's House: 57:312
+ Modrey
Bluebird Butcher: 40:237
+ Antola
+ Zis
Michelle's House: 39:139
- need quest to access
+ Keynes
+ Michelle
Bluebird Armorer: 77:142
+ Archibald
Diviner Guild: 107:137
+ Klaya
Bluebird Carpenter: 121:154
+ Dexley
+ Sint
+ Jesro
+ Wuz
+ Cito
Bluebird Tailor: 145:140
Jiffy *
+ Samantha
+ Limes
Unmarked Home: 161:141
+ Mofka
Bluebird Deli: 144:295
+ Jomila
+ Sal
Giza's House: 163:298
+ Giza
+ Kidy
Goldburg Blacksmith: 155:359
+ Rena
+ Weter
+ Rimp
+ Elena
+ Buby
+ Smiley
Kauf's House: 162:414
+ Kauf
Bluebird Fish Market: 146:452
+ Joseph
Bluebird Store: 152:521
+ Porphice
+ Tool Tinker
Carl's House: 162:539
+ Carl
Bluebird Pet Shop: 135:570
+ Reby
+ Morvy
+ Rakai
+ Miuya
Bluebird Warehouse 1: 57:150
+ Procurment Elf Alice
+ Procurment Elf Zidin
+ Procurment Elf Hudelan
+ Procurment Elf Chuji
Bluebird Warehouse 2: 63:540
+ Procurment Elf Lily
+ Procurment Elf Carnation
+ Procurment Elf Caspia
+ Procurment Elf Sunflower
Bluebird Warehouse 3: 71:575
+ Procurment Elf Gaderlan
+ Procurment Elf Hunaglan
+ Procurment Elf Haiyu
+ Procurment Elf Margaret

Bluebird City Suburbia

Franks: 99:764
Unmarked House: 8:22
+ Angie
Unmakred House 2: 184:629
+ Willis
Unmarked House 3: 138:700
+ Gren

Back To Top

Greenville Town

Tim: 91:203
Migon: 76:200
Derrick: 67:181
Thoma: 62:168
Puppy: 65:165 *
Loo: 66:162
May: 50:149
Red Ridinghood Mille: 43:135
Kelly: 35:166
Salon's Pet: 45:177
Salon: 46:175
Roy: 48:184
Junk Peddler: 44:195
Shelly: 46:212 *
Alvin: 56:202
Blind Old Man: 62:189
Tony: 69:230
Ted: 54:244
Troy: 43:250
Wilbur: 49:277
Cow: 11:220 *
Chicken 1 : 14:235 *
Cow 2: 11:241 *
Sheep: 9:230 *
Lamb: 7:230 *
Chicken 2: 7:233 *
Farmer Richard: 9:154

Greenville Homes and Shops

Reggie's House: 19:212
+ Jenfreya
Greenville Armorer: 24:228
+ Jeremy
Greenville Blacksmith: 46:273
+ Doug
+ Darrel
+ Madam Butterfly
Greenville Store: 55:247
+ Fibi
+ Store Owner Jason
Jason's Home: 60:255
+ Norma
Greenville Fish Market: 70:232
+ Fish Hawker Dex
Betty's House: 65:226
+ Betty
Greenville Tailor: 77:205
+ Tailor Martina
+ Boksi
+ Natalie
Greenville Tavern: 89:205
+ Barkeeper Jelly
+ Edda
Greenville Butcher: 67:186
+ Butcher Jed
Greenville Town Center: 65:165
+ Pra
+ Arsen
+ Base activity host
+ Town center receptionist
+ Modi
+ Landi
+ Elven Guard Jay
+ Deely
Greenville Deli: 48:146
+ Baker Yupo
+ Fendy
+ Mr. Dumpling
Greenville Carpenter: 37:168
+ Kanado
+ Ardin
Greenville Healer: 27:189
+ Nurse Evy
+ Nurse Nora
+ Healer Ricky
Kelly's House: 32:158

Outside Greenville

Billy: 20:120
Fantasy Fairy: 25:120
Thristy Vulture: 70:62
Fleur: 72:254
Unmarked House: 72:323
+ Maid Sasa
+ Lans
Granny's House: 31:356
+ Mille's Grannie/ Big Bad wolf

Back To Top 

Redhood Village

Patricia: 27:220
Karla: 25:220
Gyin: 18:182
Orley: 26:178
Bob: 35:186
Martel: 43:151
Tina: 22:118
Bill: 39:97
Yvonne: 16:86
Elizabeth: 27:57
Kafka: 13:34
Toby: 26:156

Redhood Village Shops and Homes

Redhood Deli: 34:65
+ Meilin
+ Cake Seller
Potter's House: 22:84
+ Potter
Redhood Fish Market: 15:87
+ Nixon
Hilda's House: 16:152
+ Hilda
Toby's House: 24:153
Redhood Store: 23:179
+ Melissa
Huck's House: 15:203
+ Huck
Redhood Carpenter: 20:210
+ Mitchell

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Smiling Forest

Monkey Bozo: 91:154
Warewolf Bao: 90:149
Warewolf Bee: 90:155
Gretel: 84:63
Vincent: 75:303
Goldie: 65:359
Dessa: 53:98
Luki: 51:202
The House of the Three Hermits: 31:39
+ Ryan
+ Will
Georgina: 33:185
Wood Temple: 36:176
+ Cleric Becky
+ Wilf
+ Wood Sage
+ Furvy
Tracy: 30:338
Poor Man: 16:344
Big Nosed Guy: 23:290
Cold little girl: 12:295
Barefooted old man: 6:263
Halley: 16:253
The Woodcutter's House: 22:246
+ Zack
The Hunter's Cabin: 10:121
+ Gins

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Pea Lake
Lake Deity: 24:134
Earth Burrower Shalu: 8:125
Duncan: 13:106
Nichole: 20:59
Connor: 21:59
Rand: 32:75
Duncan's House: 65:110
+ Martha
Fordo: 58:109
Wurkley: 49:126
Smart Gentleman: 45:102
Edmond: 65:56
Irene: 44:59
Edmond's House: 13:45
+ Miranda
Tony: 48:42
Wilbur's Resort: 47:42
+ Wilbur

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Candy Mountain

Labondal: 22:331
Lopez: 35:147
Mother Sheep: 37:199

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Snow White Forest

Whitch's House: 24:48
+ Witch Perlin
Pefanny: 30:35
The drawf: 63:259
The drawf 2: 73:246
The dwarves' house: 74:241
+ The drawf 3
The dwavres' House 2:
+ The drawf 4
+ The drawf 5
+ Snow White
The Dwarf 6: 88:262
The Drawf 7: 83:111

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Swan Lake

Edlyn: 7:58
Doyale: 5:60 *
Mage Turtle: 8:26
Yaki: 37:124 *
Robin: 68:118 *
Laviz: 80:146 *
The Ugly Duckling : 68:153

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Rosen Lake

A House: 33:256
Witch Kailin: 60:261
A House 2: 63:270
A House 3: 65:97
Mage Rose: 68:20
Water Temple: 62:59
+ Vonna
+ Weia
+ Water Sage
+ Arvy
Mad Old Man: 44:74
A House 4: 11:51

Back To Top

Rainbow City

Sirth: 260:635
Lima: 223:716
Actvity Organizer: 218:690
Activity manager: 215:711
Gamekeeper: 319:503
Nana: 182:277
Statue of a Happy Prince: 181:289
Piper: 174:298
Kurtz: 92:547 *
Erk: 136:647
Rumfetz: 195:766
Petty: 184:695
Ers:129:563 *
Hatto: 93:502 *
Chuck: 94:467
Madame Maria: 113:487
Liv: 121:440 *
Clan Manager: 163:358
Yellow Dog: 170:358
Rolton: 192:260 *
Marlene: 219:337 *
Sandra: 188:362
Betty: 179:390
Tyler: 139:389 *
Leela: 138:526
Haron: 159:589 *
Lansley: 162:564 *
Yani: 258:381
Leech: 235:438
Jessica: 221:408 *
Loo: 218:596 *
Christine: 236:562
Fairia: 267:544
Loriel: 246:536
Enya: 264:570 *
Barge: 252:607 *
Association Executive: 233:633 *
Sidney: 200:685
Berna: 268:634
The Match-selling girl: 263:621
Blue Kitten: 237:572 *
Guard Haj: 225:545
Guard Tok: 221:553
Guard Captain: 205:514
Guard Gend: 202:501
Guard Pollack: 199:506
Construction Officer Skye: 206:494
Construction Officer Bath: 208:498
Renaldo: 286:535 *
Kaiser: 191:343 *
Nikita: 273:381 *
Britney: 206:304 *
Soldiers: 195:266

Rainbow City Homes and Shops

The Arena: 195:266
First Floor
+ Scott
+ Tom
+ Security Chief
+ Guard
+ Rokiya
+ Blight
+ Miya
+ Mise
+ Wonwon
+ Britney
+ Janice
+ Chichib
+ Wesley
+ Joe
+ Darco
Second Floor ( server 4 access only)
+ Little Mimi
+ Little Candy
+ Little Lana
Sandy's House: 306:486
+ Sandy
Pio's House: 292:469
Bert's House: 272:405
Julie's House: 279:412
+ Julie
Unmarked Red House: 237:357
Rainbow City Armorer: 192:344
+ Camille
Rainbow City Bank: 242:445
+ Mckeef
+ Lottery Guy
Unmarked Yellow House: 249:457
Robert's House: 262:482
Washington's House: 268:625
Ana's House: 260:610
Rainbow City Tailor: 249:588
+ Ankaya
+ Royal Tailor
Journeyman Guild : 242:573
+ Trader Bors
+ Noravia
+ Piero
+ Yarex
+ Buliloya
Oscar's House: 234:693
Little Katz's House: 133:564
Rainbow City Blacksmith: 93:560
+ Marly
+ Liam
+ Rakel
+ Domo
Klara's House: 122:618
Rumfetz's House
+ Hooligan
Rainbow City Store: 291:516
+ Krik
+ Tool Tinker
Rainbow City Repair Shop: 264:568
+ Demi
+ Noralia
+ Maya
+ Haydn
+ Sidi
+ Percy
Rainbow City Market: 242:611
+ Display Stand Merchant
Unmarked Entryway: 230:630
+ Association Staff x 3
Rainbow City Deli: 224:648
+ Cor
+ Bell
+ Netan
+ Anna
Rainbow City Healer: 207:685
+ Edalier
+ Refa
Rainbow City Butcher: 165:695
+ Brian
Kay's House: 262:365
Rainbow City Fish Market: 254:380
+ Stolo
+ Gordon
Sterli's House: 185:367
Rainbow City Farmhouse: 175:387
+ Amm
+ Lafell
+ Frediya
+ Bertha
Corina's House: 165:407
+ Corea
Rainbow City Timber Shop: 141:477
+ Rupov
Sharpe's House: 124:509
+ Sharpe
Molly's House: 80:522
+ Molly
Calira's House: 87:508
+ Joeli
Rainbow City Pet Shop: 101:481
+ Peisan
+ Pater
+ Bobby
Royton's House: 126:480
+ Royton
Perrth's House: 154:377
+ Perth
Rainbow City Tavern: 171:344
+ Wevan
+ Wett
+ Greson
Rainbow City Warehouse 1: 144:583
+ Procurment Officer Euro
+ Procurment Officer Newt
+ Procurment Officer Franc
+ Procurment Officer Ruble
Rainbow City Warehouse 2: 173:676
+ Procurment Officer Yen
+ Procurment Officer Mark
+ Procurment Officer Pound
+ Procurment Officer Dola
+ Rainbow City Warehouse 3: 284:604
+ Procurment Officer Thai
+ Procurment Officer Peso
+ Procurment Officer Shilling
+ Procurment Officer Leck

Rainbow City Suburbia

Mel: 86:344
Houses - work skills

Back To Top

Gion Town

Chicken: 27:103 *
Bull: 28:95 *
Chicken 2: 32:83 *
Cow: 22:92 *
Lamb 1 : 22:96 *
Lamb 2: 23:103 *
Ken: 32:103
Linda: 42:103
Rex: 44:114 *
Amy: 52:108
Bernard: 40:137
Goldie: 52:165
Mark: 46:167
Stein: 35:198
Bracks: 39:194
Ali: 41:194
Storyteller: 44:182
Al: 48:187
Fanny: 56:186
Claire: 65:195
Katz: 67:190
Fro: 48:213
Bern: 49:215
Bobo: 74:227
Beibei: 40:218
Beibei's Pet: 39:220
Mocha: 41:230
Seth: 62:241
Melanie: 69:257
Sepp: 30:259
Strange old man: 29:279
Angie: 48:275
Silver Granny: 60:277
Black Kitten: 62:279
Anges: 69:283

Gion Town Homes and Shops

Gion Blacksmith: 40:270
+ Blacksmith
+ Arcoda
+ Nordel
Gion Armorer: 34:256
+ Wilhelm
Gion Carpenter: 32:238
+ Carpenter
Gion Store: 24:194
+ Store Owner
+ Old guy
Gion Town Center: 37:196
+ Eric
+ Willy
+ Village Head Jeff
+ Receptionist Voli
+ Base activity Host
+ Garbon
+ Guard
+ Naco
Gion Deli: 63:194
+ Employee
+ Old woman
+ Mr. Dumpling
Gion Healer: 70: 194
+ Sami
+ Nurse Cori
+ Nurse Mimi
+ Nurse Korn
Ravel's House: 77:194
+ Ravel
Turkey's House: 74:230
Seth's House: 57:238
Gion Fish Market: 71:264
+ Fish Lady
+ Fish Hawker
Gion Tavern: 43:141
+ Barmaid Meili
+ Waiter Baal
+ Gerald
+ Arcan the Barkeeper
+ Deeca
Kemmy's House: 37:137
Cloudie's House: 43:107
+ Cloudie
Gion Butcher: 55:102
+ Butcher
Gion Farmhouse: 61:114
+ Anon
+ Old lady
Gion Tailor: 67:126
+ Old Tailor
+ Kuan
+ Yalina
Cukarro's House: 72:136
Ahmi's House: 33:98
+ Ahmi

Outside Gion

Moore: 18:48
Fantasy Fairy: 14:49
Lars: 18:27
Rob: 49:53
Strange Old woman: 84:47
Guard of Gion: 94:372
Ambassador Pebbles: 87:18
Sam: 52:327
Kirk: 35:375

Veggie Village

Kahn: 22:211
Mord: 7:215
Modred: 40:196
Opler: 52:202
Rohr: 43:179
Argen The Strong: 35:148
Afu the Good Barbarian: 16:158
Derel: 11:161 *
Loch: 47:114
Chicken: 48:115
Mick: 34:120
Eugene: 33:118
Archy: 33:121
Zerd: 12:99
Silly old Man: 25:102
Hans: 54:103
Traveling Trader: 35:98
Gretchen: 25:79
Hans Mother: 20:43

Veggie Village Shops and Homes

Croix's House: 34:34
+ Croix
+ Croix's Wife
The Professor's House: 23:36
Professor of Veggie
A House: 11:40
Veggie Fish Market: 14:81
+ Ayu
Veggie Deli: 29:87
+ Ler
Veggie Store: 39:103
+ Store Owner Api
A House: 18:158
+ Carnes
+ A dead body
Thach's House: 14:162
+ Thach
The Village Head's House: 21:214
+ Village Head of Veggie

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Port Pebbles

Ambaddador Gion: 8:187
Old Man Mo: 16:196
Peyares: 13:163 *
Monica: 18:95
Benner: 40:120
Ruby: 33:224
Kaj: 52:195
White Doggie: 71:150 *
Kappo: 44:146
Beruce: 26:180
Eric: 24:286
Old Skipper: 32:297
Amitan: 44:285
Terry: 63:241
Gus: 67:244
Skywalker: 77:220
Pitt: 91:191
Yanger- Port Pebbles 45:237
Captain Larry- Port Pebbles 14:280

Port Pebbles Shops and Homes

Pebbles Warehouse 2: 14:261
Pebbles Ice House: 30:226
+ Bemee
Marston's House: 21:214
+ Marston
Amitan's House: 11:172
Sinclair's House: 15:158
+ Sinclair
Jonah's House: 35:118
+ Jonah
Pebbles Bank: 46:148
+ Banker
Freeman's House: 54:164
+ Freeman
Terry's House: 65:150
Connor's House: 84:187
+ Cannary
Pebbles Warehouse 1: 55:235
Deack's House: 27:269
+ Deack
Clair's House: 42:203
+ Clair Denz
Pebbles Tavern: 25:178
+ Lukas
+ Derry
+ Walters

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Skywalker Sea

Secret Underground Cave: 7:92
+ Merfolk King
+ Merfold Queen
Secret Base: 7:259
+ Little Mermaid
Seawitch's House: 93:370
+ Witch

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Mithra Island

Jeffrey: 13:144
Longhair: 12:138
Surfer -

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Southren Grasslands

Wondering Warrior Ander: 36:268
Nini: 86:252
Hillary: 65:77
Zaro's House: 86:60
+ Zaro
Fire Temple: 63:69
+ Hoya
+ Fire Sage
+ Milaf
+ Fulami
Amu's House:16:69
+ Amu

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Sleepy Lake

Disco: 11:84

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Sleepy Town

Thomas: 30:46 *
Maze Coconut: 10:151
Worn Out house: 17:40

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Underground maze

+ Sleeping Sohpia

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Westren Grasslands

Evil Shepherd Dog: 17:367
Agatha: 9:342
Darami: 57:321
Molin: 34:239
Cleric Ryan: 6:106
Light Temple: 9:96
+ Cleric Nancy
+ Marlowe
+ Light Sage
+ Loma
Kawana: 12:17
Keef: 45:35
Ronnie: 88:24
Milka: 72:18

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Pineapple Hill

Pineapple: 10:337
Red Pineapple: 11:333
Sanfer: 28:248 Master of the obvious.
Telbert: 20:217
Skell: 10:59

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Frog Swamp

Snowy: 13:24
Kobei: 42:92
Dora's House: 97:100
+ Dora
Cave Guard: 119:220
Puzla's House: 107:37
+ Puzla
Fido's House: 102:104
+ Fido

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Northren Grasslands

A House: 14:171
Steel Helm Warrior: 26:158
Traveling trader Stanley: 88:165
Dancing girl: 85:111*
Cleric Nicky: 30:115
Earth Temple: 26:116
+ Rica
+ Cleric Keith
+ Angelica
+ Earth Sage
Warewolf: 12:74
Vins' House: 55:41
+ Vins
Roos: 88:23

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Slime Maze

Basement 1:
Grunt of the Golden God: 41:142
Basement 2:
Basment 3:
Kinesso: 40:109

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The Secret Plains

Puzka's House: 15:255
+ Puzka
Mika: 31:52
Mage Hachoo: 47:46
A House: 60:165
Mira: 62:148
A House 2: 67:147
A House 3: 72:168
A House 4: 88:78
Mysterious House: 36:54
+ Entrance to Tanrana's Maze

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Tanrana's Maze

+ Tanrana (top left of maze)

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Goldburg City

Dogby: 75:88
Picardo: 79:88
Norma: 76:152
Bud: 77:180
Hero's War Score Query: 74:209
Activity Orginizer: 76:207
Owen: 80:255 *
Themistocles: 76:335
Edwin (Goldburg Guard Captain): 79:335
Mulan: 89:296
Beetle sound FX: 88:292
Peiro: 107:219
Herbert: 115:219
Nigel: 102:140 *
Hank: 119:196
Claudia: 117:297
Berlinda: 54:297
Mort: 34:291
Association Execuitive: 31:177
Niles: 35: 123
Terrence: 44: 138
Patricia: 56:166
Norman: 46:261
Geraldo: 56:239
Gotham: 56:365
Clan Manager: 42:387
Bruce: 29: 418
Pamela: 64: 517
Brandon: 73: 488
Cecilia: 74:402
Construction Officer Nickolai: 77:326
Construction Officer Gore: 81:337

Goldburg Homes and Shops

Goldburg bank: 36:121
+ Justin
+ Lottery Guy
+ Eva
Goldburg market: 50:120
+ Display Stand Merchant
Baron Rufus' Mansion: 66:88
+ Baron Rufus
+ Tarson
A House: 86:96
+ Alise
A House: 102:128
+ Willis
+ Kacey
Goldburg Pet shop: 118:160
+ Rona
+ Vivian
+ Kiddi
+ Kenny
Goldburg fish market: 122:228
+ Boris
A House: 102: 188
+ Audrey
A House: 68:156
+ Polin
+ Rupert
Mort's House: 50:192
+ Mort
A Portal with No Name: 29:178
+ Association Staff x 3
Warrior Guild: 46:256
+ Lester
+ Timarcy
+ Antylok
+ Peggy*
+ Thomacus
+ Wurley
+ Cybalos
+ Tocklocy
Rosemary's House: 92:240
+ Pisa the matchmaker
Goldburg Store: 107:292
+ Oss
+ Tool Tinker
Goldburg Tavern: 58:291
+ Rosalind
+ Reiley
+ Will
+ Charles
Goldburg Armorer: 48:343
+ Elenor
+ Jerome
+ Ronald
Goldburg Jeweler: 68:383
+ Vic
+ Boll
+ Trence
+ Anby
+ Horsco
+ Certified Appra
+ Inlay Master Worker
Goldburg Tailor: 65:411
+ Stella
A House: 118:336
+ Jeffy
Goldburg Deli: 96:352
+ Zonia
+ Edith
A House: 114:452
+ Guise The Gambler
Goldburg BlackSmith: 98:420
+ Craig
+ Oswald
+ Nicholas
+ Shawnco
+ Kage
+ Chiyado
+ Siville
+ Deter
+ Drews
+ Divato
+ Lalabi
+ Alistair
+ Vrlian
+ Nathaniel
+ Christopher
A House: 88:452
+ Daphne
A House: 86: 504
+ Ronpike
Goldburg Repair Shop: 100:476
+ Kimi
+ Norley
+ Ellyno
+ Dorbef
+ Zafka
+ Arshmit
Goldburg Butcher: 110:500
+ Timothy
Goldburgh healer: 58:500
+ Arvi
+ Civelia
+ Dr. Don
+ Felicity
A House: 42:468
+ Jessica
+ Philia
A House: 42:420
+ Aida
Goldburg warehouse 1: 114:387
+ Dardeley
+ Buyer Taurus
+ Buyer Airex
+ Buyer Kancer
+ Buyer Gimini
Goldburg warehouse 2: 86:156
+ Joan
+ Buyer Leo
+ Buyer Scirpio
+ Buyer Virgo
+ Buyer Balanco
Goldburg warehouse 3: 62:240
+ Norma
+ Buyer Compecan
+ Buyer Santarosa
+ Buyer Aquarius
+ Buyer Pisces

Goldburg suburbia

Inner Circle:
Arcer: 13: 294
Ali: 13:306
Bali: 15:453
Paula: 24:549
Archy: 75:558
Mollis: 79:558
Sheep: 135:493
Joanna: 135:487
Richter: 137:306
Chad: 137:296
Chicken: 127:52
Grannie Evy: 126:51
Dessas: 79:45
Kainbo: 76:45
Jacquelin: 15:202

Outter Cirlce:
Gen: 8:539
Moo: 18:579
Niji: 19:578
Helen: 76:576
Nathan: 77:578
Guy: 144:579
Rebecca: 143:548
Jenny: 142:30
Angus: 75:22
Cat: 42:20 *
Moira: 38:25
Ben: 8:33
Calvin: 7:226
Freddy: 8:228

Back To Top

Ilium Town

Guard Kairade: 40:292
Xiaoco: 36:253
Winless: 35:192
Yarr: 40:183
Walker's Pet: 42:182
Walker: 43:184
Jeeb: 52:186
Kafanny: 42:141
Holiday: 23:103
Laudef: 66:142
Guard Dedera: 43:37
Milan The Peddler: 42:46
Ruca: 38:52
Fatty: 38:53
Matong: 27:68
Ellen: 33:69
Clement: 34:70
Sri: 34:74
Bendex: 33:73
Fantasy Fairy: 45:90
Fengshui: 41:99

Ilium Homes and Shops

Coya's House: 46:60
+ Coya
Ilium Deli: 54:75
+ Leer
Dumpling King
+ Loya
Peipei's House: 60:88
+ Peipei
Ilium Store: 57:135
+ Mickers
+ Tuckers
Ilium Butcher: 47:136
+ Marter
Ilium Armorer: 32:120
+ Kam
Becona's House: 24:104
+ Becona
Denni's House: 16:87
+ Coleman
+ Denni
Ilium Town Center: 36:184
+ Ian
+ Luke
+ Erwin
+ Village head Mulin
+ Base activity host
+ Muskus
+ Phili
+ Bier
Ilium Tailor: 28:200
+ Anta
Ilium Jeweler: 20:216
+ Lion
+ Neo
Ilium Healer: 27:252
+ Milo
+ Kaitra
+ Healer Nore
Unopened shop: 37:251
Ilium Tavern: 47:252
+ Randa
+ Beham
+ Morvin
Ilium Fish Market: 57:252
+ Morris
Hertz's House: 64:204
+ Greedy Hutch
Kendia's House: 58:192
+ Kendia
Ilium Blacksmith: 50:179
+ Smith
+ Nange
+ Cage
+ Becknerk
+ Dakar
+ Dishonest Trader

Outside Ilium

Radel: 42:16
Jefka: 25:25
Jonessy: 6:292
Rocco: 75:168
Raile: 74:162

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Gem crawler / Poison Skeleton side

Temporary Abode 1: 43:71
+ Kagi *
Temporary Abode 2: 26:30
+ Stroo

Snowmen/ Blackkong side

Temporary Abode 3: 21:63
+ Dakauf
Temporary Abode 4:10:33
+ Budami

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Crystal Mountain

Pitz: 32:35

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Goldburg Lake

Goldburg lake Jeweler: 24:64
+ Koco
Yiss: 34:111
Metal Temple : 54:110
+ Metal Sage
+ Metalli
+ Encron
+ Rocorn
Mage Guru: 72:204
Hamini the Wise: 71:169

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Genie Desert

Miho the Peddler: 7:115
Reco: 19:224
Redhair: 18:226
Bandits House: 16:221
+ Yuri The Bandit
+ Nobody
+ Somebody
+ Vira
Robber Ruan: 44:195
Shadow: 64:192
Drunk Dragon: 74:220
Dark Temple : 66:199
+ Nightmare
+ Dark Sage
+ Carny
+ Tifan
Lira: 64:33
Capone: 32:30
Pom: 28:149
Giram: 28:153

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Dwarf Hill

Cato: 15:139
Mage Hearsay: 6:113

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Puppet Hill

Zorro the Highwayman: 94:80
Halberg: 80:18
Toast the dog: 26:51
Willy the bull: 24:47
Flash the cock: 22:49
Blackie the Cat: 21:54
Gregson: 27:129

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Valley Of Fear

Fife: 21:371
Abdula: 7:335
Skeleton: 8:334
Catol: 23:318
Babo: 20:269
Captain ron: 13:251
Bulow: 16:238
Johnny: 23:235
Deputy Joe: 24:248
Border Barracks: 11:256
+ Maur
Jazz Kid: 20:182
Robin the Thief: 11:138
Mysterious old man: 33:60
Sevo: 23:25

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Rat Cave

Basement 1:
Grunt of the Silver Demon: 9:70
Lieutenant of the Silver Demon: 7:68
Basment 2:
Basement 3:

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Coconut Island

Affleck: 93:114 *
Panpan: 41:128
Pania: 40:128

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Hachoo Island


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Tulip Island


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Guru Island

Wilson: 26:61

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Hearsay Island

Poby: 77:198

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Rosen Island


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Garden Of Dreams

Lynn: 53:64
Scoby: 56:67 *
Patricia: 23:98
Earth Burrower Conna: 13:55
Pink Rabbit: 12:276

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Chamber of Doors

Basement 1:
Tweedledum: 72:36
Tweedledee: 73:37
Basement 2:

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West of the wood with No Name

Duwah the Carvaner: 13:27
Blue Worm Kangkang: 10:347
Shimpmunk: 69:114
Red Crab: 63:103
Owl Nicole: 68:97
Rabbit Late: 53:292 (Appears random locations)

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East of the wood with No Name

Jarshee the Carvaner: 16:226
Mad Hatter: 50:92
March Hare: 52:91

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Rabbit Playground

Murkah the Caravaner: 84:25
House of the White Rabbit: 28:38
+ Frog Valet
+ Frog Valet 2
+ The Duchess
Litan: 85:373 * (Teleporter to Northern Kitty Forest by passing Garden of Live Flowers)

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Garden of Live Flowers

Daisy Monster ( , ) - (Level 70 drops Daisy Emblem for use at Litan in Rabbit Playground)

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Northern Kitty Forest

Caravaner Garsam: 40:17

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Southren Kitty Forest

Caravaner Parmah: 26:75
Becy: 70:125 *
Cat x 6 : 18:211 general area. (Chesire Cat Appears here for quest)

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Rose Garden

Tracy: 66:221
Dick: 66:217

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Nicholas Steppe

Auck: 88:165

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Cape of Flying Fish

Mellia: 17:176

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Garden Of Cards

Two Of Dimonds: 32:168
Seven of Clubs: 29:168

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(Insert queens castle npc's)

Grasha Village
Famohr: 182:171
Rushpay: 147:135 (Venture to the Candy House quest starter)
Babeginny: 132:142
Rayfol: 116:177 (This NPC takes you to Grasha Village Outskirt, monsters lv 120+)
Fetmax: 132:281
Tyrmax: 126:313

Grasha Village Homes and Shops

Bluebird Bank, Grasha Branch: 161:209
+ Torgeir
+ Bank Clerk Banbick
The Clinic : 170:201 (Healer)
+ Dolly Nas
A house: 156:172
+ Kurt
A house: 149:179
+ Fanny(Music changes when talking with this npc, lyrics included in music)
+ Ivy
A house: 160:236
+ Carver
+ Jessica

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(This was taken from Fairyland Central, and Provided to them by goddess) I searched and searched and the forums only had bare minimum so credit once again to whom it belongs I only search and compile.

I've noticed there are some npc's missing as I find them I will add them to the list.(MeFisher)

Thanks for missing NPC Swammy.

Updates thanks to Annie & DeRafael