Becoming Reborn
Guide |
What is Rebirth? -Getting reborn is the process of resetting your character to level 1. |
Why would I want to be reborn? -Well, because of the bonusses of course. |
Bonusses? You got my attention now... -When you are reborn from high lvl, you start again as lvl 1, but you starting points are higher, look at the formulas below. |
Do I keep my class skill xp? -Yes! But of course the advanced skills you have to learn again at lvl 60. |
Ok I want to do it! -Now don't get hasty...
The first time you CAN be reborn is at lvl 71 and costs 1 million coins. After each rebirth you need +5 lvls (minimum) and +3 million coins for the next rebirth.
Example: 1rst rb = 71, 2nd = 76, 3rd = 81. etch
1rst rb = 1m, 2nd = 4m, 3rd = 7m, etc
It is also possible to be reborn at lvl 100 the first time and then lvl 76 the second time (as that is +5lvls for lvl 71, the first possible rebirth level).
How to do it:
Go to the "Temple of Ascendancy" and talk to Great Pontifex Ethel.
Pwar points
After being reborn you can use Pwar points to level up quicker, back to where you were.
Level 50-51 -> 7 points
Level 51-52 -> 8 points
Level 52-53 -> 8 points
Level 53-54 -> 9 points
Level 54-55 -> 10 points
Level 55-56 -> 11 points
Level 56-57 -> 11 points
Level 57-58 -> 12 points
Level 58-59 -> 13 points
Level 59-60 -> 14 points
Level 60-61 -> 18 points
Level 61-62 -> 23 points
Level 62-63 -> 28 points
Level 63-64 -> 35 points
Level 64-65 -> 42 points
Level 65-66 -> 50 points
Level 66-67 -> 59 points
Level 67-68 -> 70 points
Level 68-69 -> 82 points
Level 69-70 -> 96 points
Level 70-71 -> 112 points
Level 71-72 -> 131 points
Level 72-73 -> 152 points
Level 73-74 -> 175 points
Level 74-75 -> 202 points
Level 75-76 -> 233 points
Level 76-77 -> 268 points
Level 77-78 -> 308 points
Level 78-79 -> 354 points
Level 79-80 -> 406 points
Level 80-81 -> 465 points
Level 81-82 -> 532 points
Level 82-83 -> 609 points
Level 83-84 -> 696 points
Level 84-85 -> 796 points
Level 85-86 -> 909 points
Level 86-87 -> 1038 points
Level 87-88 -> 1184 points
Level 88-89 -> 1352 points
Level 89-90 -> 1542 points
Level 90-91 -> 1759 points
Level 91-92 -> 2005 points
Level 92-93 -> 2287 points
Level 93-94 -> 2607 points
Level 94-95 -> 2971 points
Level 95-96 -> 3387 points
Level 96-97 -> 3860 points
Level 97-98 -> 4399 points
Level 98-99 -> 5014 points
Level 99-100 -> 5714 points
Total for reborn and change class at 70 and go to Level 71 - 103 + 503 + 503 + 112 = 1221.
Total for reborn and level to 71 with class change at 60 - 103 + 503 + 112 = 718.
Total for reborn and change class at 70 and go to Level 76 = 2114
Total for reborn and change class at 70 and go to Level 80 = 3450
Total for reborn and change class at 70 and go to Level 90 = 12573
Total for reborn and change class at 70 and go to Level 100 = 46576
Note: This is only if you start using points at level 50. A bit wasteful to use if earlier but that's your choice.
Level 71 to 80 - 2229 points.
Level 80 to 90 - 9123 points.
Level 90 to 100 - 34003 points.
| |
Thanks to Moiraine, twinkle, FL Wiki, D°mentia |
Formulas |
1. Hit points and magic points. |
- 100+ hp*[(times of reborn -1)*10 + hp/1000 + lvl/2]/1000
- Example: 1st reborn, Lvl= 75, Hp = 2500
Hp at level 1 will be:
100+2500*[0 + 2.5 +37.5]/1000 = 200
2. Stats points |
- 10 + stat[ (times of reborn -1)x10 +stat/2+ lvl/2 ]/1000
- Example: 4th reborn, Lvl = 101, Int = 493
int at level 1 will be: 10+493*[(4-1)*10+493/2+101/2]/1000 = 10+493[30+246.5+50.5]/1000 =171.211 ~171 Int
Credits to poemer, minor adjustments by Moiraine |