Keyboard Commands
CTRL + 1 Talk Chanel
CTRL + 2 Whisper Chanel
CTRL + 3 Family Chanel
CTRL + 4 Party Chanel
CTRL + 5 Radio / Broadcast Chanel
PG up Page up on text
PG down Page down on text
CTRL + Z Player Status Window
CTRL + X Work Skills Window
CTRL + C Pet Status Window
CTRL + V Friends Status Window
CTRL + B Inventory Window
CTRL + N Mini Map ON/Off
CTRL + M System Window
CTRL + [ Opens Emote's
CTRL + Q Enable Accept Party / Deny Party Join
CTRL + W Enable Accept Trading / Deny Trading
CTRL + E Enable Accept Player Killing / Deny Player Killing ( PK )
CTRL + S Enable Accept Friends / Deny Friends adding you to List
CTRL + I Form Party / Join Party
CTRL + P Duel with a friend
CTRL + , Text Emotes
CTRL + ] Pigeon Program
CTRL + ' Compendium
F1 Hot List Comands (this table list)
F2 Clear Message history
F3 "Quick List button 1" ='s cycles through the following : (
1)Character Name(default)
2) Work Skill you are in.
3)Clan you are in
4) Your Characters Level
5) (Blanks all names on the screen)
F4 Removes the gui of the game for screen shots (no borders)
F5 - F10 Your Hot Key Buttons. You can place Potions, Capsules, or Spells you use all the time in these slots to make rapid choices in battle.
Print Screen Takes a picture


Emotion Command List
In order for the emotion commands to work you have to include a "* " (Asterisk and a space) in front of the word.
Note: Some commands only have sound effects if someone else types them, so far only slap and dance.
*? * wave * faint * kick
* sos * wink * grin * smile
* kiss * shrug * grumble

* lag

* hi * thank * die * slap
* dance * puke * bounce * tremble
* growl * fart * pace * agree
* nod * blush * drool * shake
* scream * snort * sigh * avert
* hmm * sob * cry * yawn
* pk * marry * sorry  


* peer
to type your own emote commands in experiment yourself
Example: * peer grabs a pile of grapes and throws at "clan member"
To auto respond to someone with an away message, and the personal touch:
"* peer(2 spaces) AFK-Sleeping,(2 spaces)"

MeFisher types to Ed:
"Mefisher tells you, Hi ed"

Ed's auto away message replies:
"AFK-Sleeping, MeFisher"


Alphabetical List of Hidden and Normal Commands Without Sounds
1. * ? 20. * curtsey 39. * hold 58. * ponder 77. * strut
2. * agree 21. * die 40. * hug 59. * pout 78. * sweat
3. * arc 22. * dive 41. * idle 60. * quibble 79. * tackle
4. * avert 23. * dog 42. * imho 61. * raise 80. * tap
5. * bang 24. * draw 43. * kick 62. * roll 81. * tear
6. * banner 25. * drool 44. * leer 63. * roll2 82. * thank
7. * beam 26. * excite 45. * lick 64. * rub 83. * tickle
8. * bite 27. * faint
46. * lkiss 65. * ruffle 84. * tremble
9. * blink 28. * flee 47. * marry 66. * scratch 85. * twiddle
10. * blush 29. * frown 48. * mglint 67. * shake 86. * waggle
11. * boggle 30. * gag 49. * mutter 68. * shrug 87. * wait
12. * bow 31. * glare 50. * nod 69. * slobber 88. * wave
13. * bucket 32. * grimace 51. * nudge 70. * smile 89. * whip
14. * buddha 33. * grin 52. * pace 71. * snap 90. * whisper
15. * cheer 34. * grovel 53. * pat 72. * sniff 91. * wink
16. * cold 35. * growl 54. * pinch 73. * snuggle 92. * zzz
17. * comfort 36. * grumble 55. * peer 74. * spin  
18. * cringe 37. * hammer 56. * point 75. * spit  
19. * cuddle 38. * hmm 57. * poke 76. * stare  


Alphabetical List of Hidden and Normal Commands With Sounds
1. * ack 14. * comb 27. * howl 40. * snore
2. * ah 15. * cough 28. * jump 41. * snort
3. * ak 16. * cry 29. * kiss 42. * sob
4. * barf 17. * dance 30. * lag 43. * spank
5. * bang 18. * duck 31. * laugh 44. * stretch
6. * bark 19. * flip 32. * moan 45. * tango
7. * beep 20. * flop 33. * pong 46. * tsk
8. * bounce 21. * flog 34. * puke 47. * whistle
9. * burp 22. * gasp 35. * scream 48. * yawn
10. * cackle 23. * giggle 36. * sigh 49. * zip
11. * cat 24. * greet 37. * sing  
12. * chuckle 25. * groan 38. * slap  
13. * clap 26. * hi 39. * smirk  

Emotion bubble commands

(Handy to have for the Sea Witch and the Cheshire Cat quest)

Alt + 1 Emotion bubble, happy Alt + 2 Emotion bubble, angry
Alt + 3 Emotion bubble, sad. Alt + 4 Emotion bubble, appreciate.
Alt + 5 Emotion bubble, confused Alt + 6 Emotion bubble, speechless
Alt + 7 Emotion bubble, surprised Alt + 8 Emotion bubble, Sleepy
Alt + 9 Emotion bubble, Ask for Help Alt + 0 Emotion bubble, Pray
Alt + - Emotion bubble, Scissors Alt + = Emotion bubble, Rock
Alt + Emotion bubble, Paper
Thanks to Josh

Updated februari 11th 2010 by Moiraine