Special Items: Battle Items


Experience Doll
Description: Experience X2 for 2 1/2 game days. (1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Durable Experience Doll
Description: Experience x 2 for 5 game days. (2 hours IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Super Experience Doll
Description: 2x exp + (exp x lv)/40 for 1 HR for 2 1/2 game days (1 hour IRL play time)
Combine with token exp and you get 3x exp for 3 hours
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Fighting Doll
Description: Your Skill Experience is doubled for 2 1/2 game days (1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Advanced Fighting Doll
Description: Your Skill Experience is tripled, or more (depends on your lvl, the higher the better) for 2 1/2 game days (1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lucky Draw
Magic Doll
Description: Increase's your character's max MP by 20% for 2 1/2 game days.(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall, Dawn's Box
Advanced Magic Doll
Description:Increase's your character's max MP by 50% for 2 1/2 game days(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall, Dawn's Box
Bumper Doll
Description: Increase your character's defense bonus for 2 1/2 game days(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Getaway Doll
Description: Allows your character 100% successful flee rate, for 2 1/2 game days.(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mal
Power Doll
Description: Increases your character's Normal Attack Damage % unknown, for 2 1/2 game days. (1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall, Dawn's Box
Life Doll
Description: Increase's your character's max HP by 20% for 2 1/2 game days.(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Dawn's Box, Lager's Item Mall.
Advanced Life Doll
Description:Increase's your character's max HP by 50% for 2 1/2 game days.(1 hour IRL play time)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall
Health Card
Description: If you die in a battle 1 health card is removed from your inventory and you do not go back to the hospital. You exit battle normaly.
Drop / Found: Killing Water Karla's, Shirian Mysteries Quest, Lager's Item Mall, Lucky draw.
Description: Antidote will Remove a "portion" of your immune to medication slowly bringing you down to Very Healthy.
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall, Thier Lair chests
Antidote EX
Description: Antidote EX is only useable by the Divner Class and will Remove all immune to medication bringing you to Very Healthy
Drop / Found: Wiki Maze, Lager's Item Mall.
Stomach Boost
Description: Stomach Boost will Emty your Food bar upto "1/2". Allowing you to eat more food to gain more hp's/mana (ie: using realy high level food.)
Drop / Found: Lager's Item Mall, Tanlin Plain, North of dark forest
Stomach Boost EX
Description: Stomach Boost EX is only available to Divner Class and allows them to completly empty their food bar. Allowing you to eat more food to gain more hp's/mana (ie: using realy high level food.)
Drop / Found: Wiki maze, Lager's Item Mall.